The Crazy8s Film Society in association with Trembling Void presents...
CYPHER. Tensions still linger in 1997 LA between the Korean-American and the Black communities after the ‘92 Riots. After an incident in his father’s restaurant, Jay, a Korean-American high school student finds himself pulled into LA’s underground hip hop scene where the two worlds collide.
Director Lawrence Le Lam
Starring Jerome Yoo, Alex Barima, James R. Baylis, Angela Palmer & James Yi
Writers Nach Dudsdeemaytha, Lawrence Le Lam, Jerome Yoo & Jaques Bourassa
Director of Photography Leonardo Harim
Editor Paolo Kalalo & Alexander Farah
Production Designer Fredy Mendoza
Producers Nach Dudsdeemaytha & Ingo Lou
Co-Producers Kristyn Stilling & Stephanie Halber
Executive Producer Paul Armstrong